All articles by Ilkka K. Paunio

2 articles

Articles in volume 24 (1970)

The pH-Dependent Liberation of Phosphate from Human Dental Enamel and Dentine by Ammonium Sulphate.

Mäkinen, Kauko K.; Paunio, Ilkka K.

Pages: 1541-1550.

DOI number: 10.3891/acta.chem.scand.24-1541
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Concerning the Specificity of Alkaline Phosphatases of Human Foetal Bone Tissue.

Mäkinen, Kauko K.; Paunio, Ilkka K.

Pages: 3770-3771.

DOI number: 10.3891/acta.chem.scand.24-3770
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